Mommy takes usually very good care to make sure I am clean, dry, and well fed. Only from time to time I must encourage her a little with my strong voice (that is where the name of my blog comes from:)). I don’t know if this helps her to be faster but it for sure does not let her forget me. Especially at night, when she is very sleepy, this way I make sure she would not fall back asleep leaning on the kitchen table.
But tonight I had a narrow squeak. I woke up as usually around 1 A.M. and as I had a good sleep before I told myself I could spare mom a little. I gave her whole 10 minutes before turned my silent whining into loud cry. In those ten minutes mom managed to get out of bed and lurched to the kitchen without turning the light on. I think she does not turn the light on because she knows it is worthless as her eyes stay tightly closed anyway.
It all went as usually up to the moment when mom turned the electric kettle on. The orange light indicating that the kettle is on and the food will come soon didn’t appear. That woke mom a little more and she tried to turn on the light in the kitchen. But nothing happened! Neither the light not cooker worked (what a surprise as the cooker is also electric).
So mom took a torch and went to have a look at fuses. Everything was all right but still she turned them off and on again. But this didn’t help. All around in the street the street lights were on, which was for sure suspicious. Next door there is an empty house. Nobody has been living there for longer than a year and sometimes you can hear some strange noises from there. What if somebody turned the main interrupter, which is outside the house, to make mammy and daddy to bring them out? Mammy took some fire hook as a weapon with her and went to have a look at the main interrupter. But that one was all right too.
She arrived back to the kitchen completely awoken. I don’t have to stress that I kept supporting her very loud all that time. Dad was lucky because he slept upstairs and mom didn’t want to wake him as he had long and hard day in front of him. But what to do with me? I have to eat, right? Uaaa, Uaaaa, I am hungry!
Well, mom decided to use good old fire. She went to look for some tea candles and tea lamp. Water for my food had already been boiled the day before and mom just needed to warm it. But than the refrigerator started to growl. It was strange. Mom also realized that when she got up she had a look at the alarm-clock which was on and which needed the electricity as well. So she went to try the lights outside the kitchen and it worked. Hurrah! She quickly warmed the water in the dinning room, made my food and came to rescue me. Tears big like peas were running down my face (when I cry long enough I already have tears) and my face was whole red. I almost started to fear I might die! I was so tired from this adventure, that I fell asleep again and didn’t even finish my food. I had to make up for it at half past four :).
Today in the morning before daddy left mom told him about the night horror. Daddy thought about it for a minute and than, as mom the night before, went to have a look at the fusses and main interrupter. He was more successful and when he “restarted” the main interrupter everything was all right again and working. When he was leaving I told myself that I could stay at rest – I was not going to starve to death today.
P.S. Daddy has just glimpsed over moms shoulder and read the title of this article – and he started to laugh. He said that mom would have lots to explain when the social-service workers ring our bell.