Russian bacillus is much more stubborn and durable than the Czech one, that is clear. It knocked down my dad for more than a week. He coughed a lot, and had runny nose, and didn’t look very well at all. I could tell he was not greedy last Friday. He shared his bacilli with mom and she too got ill. With her eyes swollen, hot forehead and out of voice she handed me to my grandparents. It was just on time because at that time I was till all right while my parents were not. I could still remember how unpleasant feeling it was when I had runny nose and had to take the nose drops. That was a feeling I didn’t want to repeat.
At my grandparents I was enjoying myself very much. I would say it was better than at home. Here my parents put me into my pen to not be able to explore and discover. On the other hand my grandma and grandpa let me go everywhere I want. I can throw my tea behind the sofa, I can pull on everything etc. Sometimes all I have to do is to give my granddad just the look and he takes me, rocks me and talks with me… oh yes, grandparents are fine! Mom and dad too talk and play with me but not all the time :-(
Luckily mom and dad did not die on those terrible Siberian bacilli so on Monday I would ho happily home. I could not stay at my grandparents for too long because my parents would get used to the quiet and peace… well you have to admit, that it would not be the best idea. Welcoming was fun. Ája too was happy I was back home and I was looking forward to playing with her again.
Something has actually changed a little. I am a big boy now. I keep standing at the furniture or fencing of my pen like a king. When you put me on the floor I crawl faster than a panther runs. Ája has troubles to run away from me. I showed her today. Daddy placed a fence before the steps so I would not fall down to the kitchen. Thanks to that mom lets me run around – from living room to the work room and back. Ája was sad because she was behind the fence and we all were here so mom let her in. In just a short while she was whining again. This time she wanted to go away. I kept crawling to catch her, she was running around me like crazy and mom kept telling her to not step on me and to me to not pull on her hairs. What a fun! Daddy did not enjoy it as much as we did. He had to catch the work he had missed when he was ill.
After that mom put me into my pen and we chatted. I was so focused on her telling me about my new teddy bear that I forgot to hold on the fencing. I stood there and watched my mom. Than I fell on my back. Soon I got up again and stood on my own. This time I let go on purpose and lifted my hands above head so mom would see too. In a while I was on my back again.
I got tired of standing up and sitting down in some while but I think I am on a good way. As my aunt Jaruš says, I will probably run away from my first year… :-)