Soon I realized that this way it was going to take us hours to get home so I decided to put myself to work. I started with the cables. Every proper office should have cables correctly installed, accessible, and hidden at the same time so nobody would tumble over it. I had to admit that this was not a case of the office where we worked with my mom.
I started to crawl towards the table. Already from the distance I could see the first cable. I got to it and at first I pulled it down but the cable didn’t move. Mom’s boss smiled at me encouragingly so I continued. The cable led under the table so I crawled that way. I got up to the socket where the cable ended. Before mom managed to catch me, I started to pull on other cables. Most of them ended in a computer. Cables were tangled, dusty, and one or two of them were even not plugged in at all. You should see the mess! It was just on time some handy guy –just like me – did something about it.
Mom soon realized that unlike in China here in the Czech Republic children’s work was strictly forbidden. That must be the reason for her not letting me finish my job on cabling.
In a short while we left for home. It is a pity I didn’t manage to re-cable the office. May be next time. I will have to change my clothes for this work. Mom was not happy seeing me after the work I performed – she said I looked like a little pig and that she would have to put me into the washing-machine. I hope Ježíšek will come again soon. I will write him to bring me some overalls :-).
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