As soon as mom found out I had it, she started to hide things which I could start opening myself. For example that great rattle, which she made for me from an empty tube of vitamin and a few peas. When she saw it took me only a few seconds to open the lid of the tube she was afraid I would make her count the peas like Cinderella had to so the toy was gone. I also lost my favorite blow-up red ball, which hole for blowing up was secured with white tap. I haven’t managed to take the tap down yet but mom saw my friend Ben how skillful he was. Ben visited me not that long ago with his mommy Shelley. He is a nice boy, he brought many nice toys with him and –the most important, he already has four teeth and showed me how to use it.
The teeth grow on their own but I make progress also on other fields. I keep practicing standing in my pen. I am still not strong enough to keep the balance and stand without holding on something but sometimes I can use only one hand to hold myself. I also found out when I stand by the pen fence, leaning on it with my belly. It has one big advantage. It makes my hand free so I can use it for something else – to throw the toys out of the pen or to play. My mom and I we play that nice game – I call it “who stands more” and to be honest mom is loosing so far. I lean with my belly on the fence, start crying – big tears falling down my face – and wait for mommy. If she does not seem she would like to take me out of the pen and hold me, I use heavy armor. I reach my hands for her. Usually it is enough to make her take me with her.
When I learned to crawl, I had no idea how useful this is going to be. I realized that at the moment when I got out of my pen. Especially at “autnee” Ivana. She has very nice and also large living room with many interesting corners, where you can go to, lamps with pretty cables to pull on, glittering knockers on the drawers you can keep bumping with, fringe on the carpet to chew on… simply paradise.
I also like to explore at my grandma and grandpa. Their most interesting room is the kitchen. Right opposite the door of the living room, where I usually camp, there is the waste basket. That must have veeeeeeery interesting content because I am not allowed to even touch it. On the floor there is linoleum so it is nicely slippery. That is much better than the carpet from which I have my knees calloused.
At home I don’t really enjoy myself much. I spend most of the time in my pen 1.5 to 1.5 meters, which is in the living room or in my second bed which is in the kitchen. The bed has very high fencing so when I stand up, I just manage to rub my itching jaw on the top lath. They say the floor in the kitchen is too cold and therefore I cannot crawl there. In living room there are many cables and electric plugs so I cannot crawl unattended there either. The only plug within my reach is the one in my daddy’s work room. He lets me crawl there sometimes. The plug is secured with some piece of plastics so I cannot get to the two interesting little holes which are behind it. I am also attracted with all the cables, which are under my daddy’s table. Those were unfortunately hidden behind large pillows. Poor me! Because of these protections I must keep practicing my standing and walking. I hope to be faster and more lithe and therefore to be able to get over all the border and limits!
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