On Saturday we had a visit of St. Nikolas. I did not meet him personally, unfortunately. My dear parents did not let me look for him together with Aja and took us both for a walk.
At first I was enjoying the walk quite a lot because I was walking myself, looking around and into the gardens. You can see nicely decorated trees in the gardens nowadays. I also run with Aja and she too was enjoying herself – mostly sniffing around. Than I started to feel my feet. I have small feet – that start to hurt sooner than feet of adults. So I stopped every now and than to gain some fresh power and look here and there.
My nervous mother did not have an understanding for that and soon she grabbed me and fixed in my stroller. She had it with us and of course I should have known why! The rest of our walk was funny, I was screaming bloody murder to punish mother and I am sure if we met anybody, people would turn behind us. Only the streets were empty.
When we came home, I could see St. Nikolas had already been gone. He just left two packages with nice ribbons on it. One was for me and one for my daddy. Mom did not get anything; she was not good the whole year. Daddy was surprised that both packages included something yummy. I guess he sort of expected to get only a package of coal (although I don’t know what would we use it for – you cannot use it either in our fireplace or in our gas boiler). I on the other hand was not surprised at all. I knew I was to get a lot of good things. The only thing I was not happy about was that we missed the visit. I was curious how the devils looked like. Well, may be next year.
I opened the package right away; took out a small chocolate figure of St. Nikolas – well it was rather a miniature of a small figure – and ate it at once. I was not allowed to eat anything else from the package because my parents though I would not eat my dinner. But sweets are much better than ordinary dinner, are they not?