I was born one nice April evening. The whole day sun was shining… just much later after I have already arrived it started to rain.
I have to admit, that I was not very keen on being born even though it was such a lovely day. I felt very comfortable in my mam’s belly. Well, was I missing anything there? I don’t think so. But I became afraid of doctors. Those impatient doctors tried to frighten my mam that if I would not be born by the end of the week, they would put us into a hospital and that they would get light on me. They might be even able to use force to get my out! I had to avoid such thing and so I simply turned in on my own.
I let my mam to enjoy the nice day, go shopping and go for a walk with dad. In the afternoon she also managed to weed out some flower beds and have an afternoon coffee and some cookies with dad. And than we set out to the hospital to have it done as fast as possible.
A few days later we were at home and I started to familiarize with environment. I have one older “sister”. She is very hairy, has long ears and tail and a cold nose. I have only been able to watch her from distance so far but I have a feeling we will be great team the two of us. All I need to do for it is to grow a little and become little more movable. That is not so easy. I am happy to be able to keep my head up for a second when I am laying on my belly. I have to practice!
Besides my sister Aja I also have some relatives… and parents of course. I like them, I like them a lot. That is just to be sure – if there was anybody who would come to a conclusion that it is vice versa. I just have to keep reminding myself to them so they couldn’t forget they have me. I have been quite successful so far, I guess. But they both have been taking it easy. Although they are veeeeeeeeeeery tired none of them has collapsed yet. Not yet….