Well, such workman has to wake up early in the morning to be on spot at six a.m. but the supervisors are kind at work so he always gets a few first days to get used to it and those days he starts work much later. Anyway I don’t mind getting up very early (unlike my mom who has quite troubles to keep up with me :).
When I come to work I will always have a cup of coffee to wake up properly. Some little work in the morning always heats one up but you have to be careful so I will also take lots of brakes. I will take at least two snack breaks and one or two more breaks to have some more coffee… well and of course there is also the lunch pause. Another thing I have to think over is smoking because if I start smoking I will get at least three more breaks to smoke. It is surprising how fast the day runs. I will work from six a.m. to four p.m. and I will go home at around three and on Fridays I will leave earlier – lets say at two – to enjoy my family, you know…
What I for sure don’t want to be is a programmer. I can see it at home. My dad gets up also very early to be by the computer at six a.m. But he never takes a cup of coffee before work. He takes some snack only when mom brings it to him and he eats it while working. He takes only very short time for lunch pause and than he keeps working by late afternoon. You can hear him clapping on the keyboard or talking on the phone. Sometimes he also leaves home for some meetings but that is even worse. I am surprised he still remembers he also has Aja, mom and me and that he still finds some time to walk Aja or to help mom with shopping bags.
No no … I will definitely join the great group of workpeople…
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