Wednesday, September 29, 2010
no more English
However you can still catch up with my stories on my Czech blog as long as you do understand Czech of course :-). It is
Thank you for your time so far!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Squeaker in action

Daddy took the scissors and started working. Ája liked the cut leaves a lot and she decided to use it to color her hair. I think her goal was to have her hair streaked with green.
When all hedges were cut in correct high daddy ordered to retreat. We started packing tools and stuff. Daddy took off his working overalls and shook off all leaves from it. I was being a good boy and sat inside on the stool waiting for my mufflers. When dad cleaned everything, he examined closely Ája. He did not like her streaked hair so he took her back outside to clean it. I was supposed to keep sitting and waiting… but well… you know how it is… I was bored and curious… I wanted to see how much green would Ája have left.
As it was so hot outside, I decided to close the door so hot air would not get inside. Than I went to have a look. But… among others daddy had already put the keys back inside and our door does not have handle from outside. Also, daddy already had on only a t-shirt and underwear. He was just to give me a lecture on good manners when he heard the neighbors leaving home. They got on the car but daddy had observation like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. He run to them, stopped the car and borrowed a cell phone. He called our granny and she came to rescue.
It all would be just a funny story if there was not for the little fact, that our daddy has a very good memory. Unfortunately he remembered well that I was supposed to sit inside and I was not supposed to go outside and close the door. He also called me not to close the door but I was faster. For the whole event I was awarded with ban of cartoons :-(
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I was robbed

I took it with me outside to the garden and unfortunately it was now the best ever idea. When I tripped and fell my lollipop turned into sand stick. Daddy took it away from me and washed it for me. However it took him a while and therefore I did not have enough time to finish it outside. Soon mom called me home. Our mommy is like a hawk and immediately she saw plastic boxes I hadn’t put back in the drawer before we went outside. She ordered cleaning and I had to put all boxes back.
To have both hands for such demanding task free I decided to take a small box and put the rest of my lollipop into it. I placed the box on the higher place so to make sure Ája would not see it and went for cleaning. When I got back to pick my lollipop up I was really disappointed. It was gone!
All I was an empty box. I looked desperately at my mom who was cutting vegetables for dinner but she knew nothing of the case. The second suspect was Ája. Mom and I went to look at her at her bed in dinning room. She was there – curled like a ball of yarn with her nose pointing to the corner (she usually does this when she is sulky) and she was enjoying something. There was a short white stick sticking out of her mount. It was the same white stick which was on my lollipop too.
So the wrongdoer was discovered but unfortunately it was tool late and I didn’t manage to make mommy to give me another lollipop. Poor me! I was simply robbed by my own hairy sister!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Without a trace

There is very interesting system of shelves and drawers in our kitchen. There are also some shelves, which go full out the furniture and you can reach them from two sides. Mom usually stores things such as flour, salt, sugar etc. There but sometimes you can also discover something more interesting – for example biscuits Ája and I simply love and also other treasures.
Last time mom opened the shelves was when she needed to put some spices into vegetable salad. I discreetly approached to the shelves from the opposite side to not be seen and started examining its content. After a casual inspection my attention was caught by small red package. I tried to keep on low profile… reached for the package and disappeared behind the corner.
The package and I moved to dinning room. Ája has her bed there behind the corner so mom cannot see it directly. That is exactly where I parked myself and started careful inspection of the package. It contained some gummy bears. I carefully tested one of them and found out it was not bad at all. At that moment Ája appeared and to keep her silent, I had to give her one too. She sat next to me on her bed and enjoyed it as much as I did.
In a while gummy bears were safely transferred in my tummy and I realized there was one little problem. I was holding an empty corpus delicti. What now? I looked around confusedly and than I got an idea. The simplest thing would be to put it into waste basket. I walked to the kitchen and made sure mom was turned away when I opened the waste basket and disposed of the empty little red package. When mom turned back, everything was all right again – mission fulfilled.
The whole operation, which was like from books by Ian Fleming went smoothly and without results… :-)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My second birthday

I also learned many new words. However, my parents cannot understand me sometimes but it does not matter. I keep practicing as much as possible and especially daddy seems quite tired by that and sometimes he says I take a lot after my mom. I don’t know why, because my hair is light such as his while mom is a brunette.
The birthday celebration was quite fine. I like celebrations because there are plenty of sweets and other good stuff to eat – especially cakes. If the celebration is for your birthday you also get presents. I have more cars and books now and also new picture cards.
The most important present for my birthday was my cake. It looked like a teddy bear and there was everything I like – cream, chocolate and especially little chocolates called lentilky. Unfortunately when you have a celebration there are more people coming and it means you have to share your cake :-(
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Easter!
Monday, March 29, 2010

I thought it would be a good idea to try this on my parents first. I carefully started to make sure they would understand me. Starting talking too much at once would be difficult for them to get. Therefore I take it step by step.
For example this morning when I woke up (I was surprised to wake up in my bed and not in my parents bed :-) and when I looked around I found out mom was bundled under the blanket but daddy was gone. I started in shy manner. “Daddy not”. Mom lifted her head so I went on “daddy bye”. It took some time until mom understood the meaning and importance of what happened.
When she finally got it (she boots a bit slowly in the morning) she gave me a big smile. “You are right. Daddy went for a walk with Ája…” That was the moment I understood that my newspeak won’t help to make the conversation faster – before a man (or my mom) translates it into old Czech, it would take even more time than regular speech.
I gave mom a few days before I tried it on her again. I know you surely understand much faster than she does in the morning but just to make sure I added also the translation into parenthesis.
Recently I got much into drawing. I sort of terrorize my parents because I make them to draw me a bear, a car, or some other picture to have something to draw over. Drawing on a white paper sheet is boring. Sometimes I need some other assistance and I must admit that mom got this part of my newspeak pretty quickly. “Pen down” (Mommy, my pencil fell down, you should probably get it back for me, what do you think?)
Other small talk we had was in favor of Ája. Mommy started closing a gate on the stairways to protect me from walking steps up and down on my own. “Pat, pat Ája” (Look, Ája is coming on the stairs. Somebody should go and open the gate for her, should he not?” I said and gave mom a significant look. Mom got it quite fast although she was a bit faster with the pencils.
Most of my conversation with parents goes on in the same way. I use simple connections they are supposed to understand and usually I also use the same words.
„Birdie not, birdie bye“(I want to see some birds, why do they keep flying away?).
„Bounce“ (Hi hi, mom has dropped something again, may be it is broken – what fun!).
„Pat, pat“ (Mommy, why do you think I have two legs… you don’t believe I will let you tie my into the stroller when I want to walk, do you? I don’t care much that you are in a hurry. )
Daddy tries to take an advantage of my conversation skills development and keeps teaching me words such as “please”, “thank you” etc. He uses the technique of “cuckoo words”. He keeps repeating words I know “grandpa”, “grandma”, “Ája”, “mommy” etc. and tries to insert among them for example “please”. I like playing this game with him. All I have to do is to be careful and not let him confuse me. When he says “please” I say “grandpa” instead. We try it a few times and that daddy ends the game – I win.
The only thing I am not sure much about is that my parents will ever learn to simplify the language as well as I do.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A thing which used to be a table…
Yesterday I managed to frighten my mom really well. It was already evening and I was just about leaving for bed. Mom sent me to give daddy a good-night kiss and off I should have gone.
Unfortunately daddy was just in the middle of some very interesting movie scene and so he said I could wait half a minute. I was not interested in movie at all and so I crawled next to him to the sofa and started moving back and forth over his legs. Suddenly – I myself have no idea how did it happen, I slipped and fell. The trouble was that in my way there was a coffee table. I hit it with my head and than fell to the floor. At the same time there was very loud noise and I felt dizzy. You know, I am not a softling and from time to time I am used to bumping into something with my head… to be honest I keep bumping into furniture all the time. But this was different – much worse. I started crying of course – well I was rather screaming bloody murder – and I am not sure if that was more of pain or of a shock.
Daddy lifted me immediately and mom went to examine every part of my body. There was not a scratch, a bruise or injury visible. She could not believe that because when daddy handed me over mom and I stuck to her like a fly to a flytrap, she started a new row of examination.
Daddy took off the table cloth and mom was shocked once more. I could hear the little drum in her chest “drumming” twice as fast. Daddy too was white in face but did not show out how frightened he was. He just murmured something about totally broken table.
The thing is that the table composed of two “unbreakable” thick tempered-glass desks connected with legs. The upper desk was broken and in the middle there was a part in a triangular shape missing. Its edge was at about the place where my head bumped into it. There were quite many glass cullets around too.
It took some more time to make sure I was not injured at all and did not have any pain. Mom performed one last examination and than I went to bed.
I was so shocked with the whole thing, that I fell asleep even before I started to count my plush sheep.
Friday, February 5, 2010
White February

It is a beginning of February and outside there is still much snow. Actually snow is really everywhere – mainly on the sidewalks and roads. Mommy is not very happy about it, because it is quite impossible to take my pram outside because there is not enough space on the sidewalks. Therefore we go outside only for shorter walks – as far as I can walk myself.
I on the other side quite enjoy snow. It is white, it is cold and sometimes it is bad like me :-) because it gets in my gloves and shoes. I love to puddle in it and it is very good material for throwing on Ája… and to fall into it.
My daddy likes this weather too I guess. It woke ancient building passions in him. He built large snow house and tunnel on our garden. The house looks really impressive but I am not sure with the statics. After all daddy is mainly a computer specialist and programmer – not a builder and architect. It took some time until I talked myself into entering the house. Daddy had to go with me, to ensure me he trusts the construction. At least if the house collapsed, he would get buried with snow with me :-)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And what is worse, Ája is not the only victim of my mom’s sclerosis. Last week mom and I went out for shopping. We were supposed to meet daddy by the store so we were in a bit of hurry. About five minutes after we left home mom started to examine me closely. Usually I keep stomping and clapping and try to jump in every water puddle I meet but for this I need good shoes. This time I had my home shoes on. Mom took me in her arms and we went back home. I was not happy – I wanted to walk – but mom was stronger.
When she gave me winter shoes we left again. Of course we came late to the store and poor daddy had to be very cold waiting for us.
Mom should start working on her memory. She should have asked Ježíšek to bring her some Lecithin instead of the pepper mill she got for Christmas. Next year I will ask him myself.