First we went to the office of the healthcare company. Mammy was literally excited because she found a great parking spot right in front of the main entrance. But the happiness had vanished when she realized the entrance was blocked and there was only a tiny note on the door saying that you should use the “back door” instead. It was luck that we didn’t have the pram because there is quite a long stairway into the building. The pram would not fit in the for sure.
Another surprise was expecting us when we arrived to the third floor of the building. On the door of the office of the healthcare company there was a fresh new label with changed working hours. Just a few days ago they started at 7:30 a.m. but now it was postponed to 8 o’clock. We had to wait for 15 minutes. Usually I don’t mind waiting but this time wind blowing through the building made me a little nervous. Outside it started to rain quite heavily before we settled all the matters but we managed to get to our car in a short window, which opened between two periods of rain.
After this episode we set to the road. The next stop was the doctor. The third check of my hips was waiting. But this time we didn’t go to the hospital where my first check took place. We went to another doctor where I have also already been. It was about a month ago and the unpleasant doctor with cold hands had my medical record ready before I even entered the office.
This time I was old enough to receive my first dose of X-rays. At first we waited in the waiting room of that unpleasant doctor. A nurse came out (different than last time) and sent us to the basement to X-ray office. There was a man who told my mom to undress me. My diaper had to go too. Mom got some long heavy apron to protect her from unnecessary x-rays, because she had to hold my legs in correct position. It took just a few seconds and the picture was taken. Mammy started to put my diaper and clothes on again fast but the man came out from his room to tell her there was some failure and the picture had to be taken again. Well, I didn’t mind too much, the room was comfortably warm and my diaper was gone… Mammy held my legs again and the picture was taken in a second. Good one this time. The man said she could put my things on again. But I was faster …. and wet :).
I wetted the table and my mom. Well, to be exact I wetted the long heavy apron she was wearing. Mom promptly hid her shoes so it all went to the floor. I have to stress that she had warned the guy that I sometimes did such things. Therefore when he saw what happened he just gave my mom without word some tissues to dry my and than he cleaned the mess around himself laughing out. He said he had not had such patient yet and that I was a real joker :).
We took the roentgen picture and went back to the waiting room upstairs. This time there was another doctor, much younger and more kind. Unlike the other doctor this one checked me really carefully. He even took off my socks to see my feet. Than he checked the hips, but mammy told him what happened so he took off my diaper for just a little while. You could hear his laughter to the waiting room when mom explained what happened just a few minutes before. Well, I didn’t have any ammunition left anyway :). The doctor said my hips were all right and that I didn’t have to visit them again.
This could be the end of my day today but there is one more story I would like to give you. I know it just out of hearing; I was present but asleep.
After we visited the doctor, we had to go shopping too. Mum didn’t take too much food but she had to get me some diapers. Everything went quite well until we got to the cash desks. Only three of ten cash desks were on and there were long queues at each of them. We had already been waiting for about ten minutes when some older woman with very self-confident look in her face started to jump the queue – right in front of us. There were about ten other people behind us so mom very politely told her that the queue went on behind us between the two long refrigerators. It was like pricking into the wasps' nest. That woman started to shout at my mom that she was old and so she had the right … she almost hit my mom with the walking stick. She also screamed she would miss the bus if she went to the end of the queue etc. Mom just told her, that she is sorry but the other people also have to be somewhere – hurry to work, to the doctor or are just tired and need to go home… but if she was at least little polite and just simply asked her to let her go first because of the bus, she would let her go without any word. To be at least little polite makes wonders but nobody likes to be shouted at for no reason. That women started the laments again, told my mom to shut up etc. Nevertheless she backed out and pushed her cart behind us. The lady standing behind us didn’t have the guts to act as my mom did so she let the crazy woman to get ahead of her.
There was quite chaos because of the woman. A new queue started to create behind her so in a minute there were two long queues standing by one cash desk. But we got out of the store fast. When we drove away mammy saw the old hag sitting on the bus stop with another woman chatting happily. She didn’t seem like running to catch the bus.