Look for example at the last weekend. I was very busy. At first I had to do the building supervision. The cottage and my grandparents’ garden was being painted. Grandma and grandpa had done most of the work but the most dangerous parts had to be left for my dad so he was balancing on high ladder. It was something! Nevertheless, daddy was quite careful so I am not an orphan yet.
I was even more worried about my mom. To be precise - about her fingers. She was cutting the hedge using the big electric cutter. Once she had a narrow squeak but luckily it all ended well. At the end she even cut the hedge also at the neighbors’. I am talking of the neighbors who are not living there for more than a year. Mom wanted to cut our hedge on the top from their side as it was not possible to do it at our side. The hedge was so overgrown there that first she had to cut it all from the side. Except a few mosquito bites and some nettle stings she came back all right.
I have to keep watch of Aja as well. On the walks she is quite independent sometimes and she nozzles where she should not to. The other day we went for shopping. Well, mom did the shopping and Aja and I were waiting for her in front of the shop. On our way back we took the longer journey so Aja had her fun too. We had to pass some sports areal. The gates are opened all day long and there were notices by every gate that “It is not allowed to bring the dog here”. We always just walk around and pass the sports areal. Although my parents always clean after Aja, they don’t want to bother with somebody who would be angry with them.
However, this time Aja put her head behind the gate. I guess there had been some other dog there before her and she just wanted to read the messages. But as soon as she put her head behind the gate, we could hear some vituperation. I didn’t really understand much of it. Some older gentleman was using the strange language my father usually uses when he is sitting by the computer and something goes wrong. Mom always tells me not to listen to it because this language is not suitable for children. I suppose it must be some very hard computer language. So far I have always forgotten most of what I had heard. I will have to pay more attention to it next time.
That man kept pointing out the notice. Aja, as soon as she heard him, took her head out from behind the gate and came back to us to the pavement. Mom tried to explain him that Aja was a very cleaver dog but although there was a dog (in one of the children stories) called Maxi-dog Fik, who could read and play chess, Aja still didn’t know what the letters on the notice ment. Unfortunately he didn’t understand it and kept using that strange language… so we just went on.
Aja still didn’t have enough and not far away from our house she went alone for a visit. A few months ago, I was still in my mom’s belly, Aja saw a handsome golden retriever – Monty. They kept running along the fence of his house for a while and Monty was whining so much, that his “daddy” looked out of the window and invited mom and Aja to their garden so the two dogs could run together. Aja liked this visit a lot. She came home dirty like a little pig and I guess she remembered this visit well. Every time we passed this fence, she sniffed it carefully. This time the gate was opened and Aja immediately went in. Mom had to park my pram on the pavement and than go for her. Monty was sitting behind the entrance door. As the door was partly glassed I could see Monty sitting behind the door at home whining sadly. Mom had to try hard to get Aja out of there. Aja didn’t want to go at all but at the end the force won :).
Otherwise Aja is a quite good dog. As far as she is not pretending to be a gardener (she likes to prepare holes to plant new bushes but my parents don’t really understand her passion for gardening) she keeps lying at home and sleeping. She loves to be on the garden or on the balcony and watch the world too. Sometimes she barks a little or she comes to lick my legs when there is a chance… and of course she guards our home. I am looking forward to running and playing with her when I am older. We will for sure enjoy being naughty :) together.
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